Energy and Runes

Energy System

Each Catto NFT has an energy capacity, which allows for runes to be socketed to the Catto. As a user gains EXP and levels up their NFTs, the energy capacity of the Catto will grow. Catto NFTs can only hold as many runes as their energy capacity allows for.


Rune Type and Generation

There are three types of runes (Wisdom Rune, Sharpness Run, and Excellency Rune) that boost static stats when socketed to a pair of Catto NFTs. Runes are generated as users read and differ in rarity, with rarer runes giving a higher stat boost.

Rune Effect and Energy Cost

Wisdom Rune (Boosts Earning Cap)

Sharpness Rune (Boosts Earning Speed)

Excellency Rune (Experience)

Rune Socket and Removal

While it is free to attach a rune to a pair of Catto, it costs $READ to remove a rune.

Removal Cost

Rune Generation

Runes are generated during the reading process.

Rune Upgrade Process

Runes can also be combined and upgraded to the next rarity.

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